Skin CMS September Update

Skin CMS September Update

A lot has happened in the last couple of months, let us give you some highlights!

  • Easy Triggers
  • Dynamic Hotspots
  • Custom Javascript functions
  • New documentation
  • Small mappings available of €24,90
  • Facebook group

September Update

Skin CMS in 135 seconds

1 • Easy Triggers

Remember to trigger a record you had to use something like:


And for each new trigger, you needed to go back to Airtable to copy paste it from there back in 3DVista.
Well, those times are over. We've made triggers much easier now.

  1. Create a number field in Airtable such as "ID". Give each record a number such as 1, 2, 3, 4.. etc.
  2. Copy paste: window.BlazeCreators_skinCMS.openRecord(1, "ID");

Now you can just change the number to your own liking without going back and forth from Airtable.

Something really epic of Easy Triggers, is that now you can duplicate a mapping as well and keep all the triggers in place. E.g. if you have created a virtual gallery with Skin CMS custom triggers, you can simply duplicate the project, change the mapping on the main viewer to replace all content at once!

2 • Dynamic Hotspots

Yes you read that right: not the Skin, but Hotspots! Show or hide hotspots based on a status field in Airtable.

"Sold" or "Available" is set in Airtable.

3 • Custom Javascript Functions

Dynamic Hotspots is part of Custom Functions. For those who are familiar with writing Javascript, you can now use all the data from Airtable as variables inside your own Javascript Functions. Create a copy link to clipboard button or go as far as creating your own shopping card.

4 •

We've moved our landingpage from to We've also changed our Merchant Of Record from Gumroad to Lemon Squeezy, so the checkout links look different from before.

5 • Updated Documentation

Our documentation has been updated available at

New documentation. On the top left ("Skin CMS" dropdown) you can still switch back to the old documentation in case you're looking for that.

6 • Small Mappings

Beside our standard mappings which have up to 100 records for €69, we offer now small mappings up to 25 records for only €24.90!

7 • Facebook Group

We've created a dedicated Facebook Group for Skin CMS users. Join group.


We're working on a dynamic image gallery in which you can have any amount of photos each record. So first record can have 2 photos, while the second record can have 5 photos. This feature is sponsored by White Crow Studios Ltd, Leifhelm Panorama and VRtical Media.

Skin CMS Combo Deals & Integrations

We're ready to partner up with other providers in the 3DVista community and make combo deals. If you're interested to partner up, let us know.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply to this email.